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☀ Your Goat is hungry
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CAMEL BTC - PLAY TO EARN Gold: 153076   Log: 1038762   Rock: 4003385   Steel: 98519   Food: 419   $3434   34   2   0/18  
 You were attacked by saleks and you lost 0    

Gold Available : 4500 /4500
Collectors : 5
Speed : 25 /m

Repairers : 1
Speed : %480

Log Available : 11000 /11000
Collectors : 2
Speed : 200 /m

Repairers : 0
Speed : %160


Rock Available : 164000 /164000
Collectors : 5
Speed : 1,000 /m

Repairers : 1
Speed : %480

Steel Available : 2000 /2000
Collectors : 2
Speed : 20 /m

Repairers : 0
Speed : %160

Level 26

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