Edit Profile

CAMEL BTC Money: $6565   Gems: 81   Workers: 0/5
Gold: 8878   Log: 10923   Rock: 14585  
Steel: 13874   Food: 545   0  

 You were attacked by Gondor and you lost 9840    

 Please set Password to protect your town.

Gold Available : 1200 /1200
Collectors : 1
Speed : 5 /m

Repairers : 0
Speed : %102

Log Available : 6500 /6500
Collectors : 1
Speed : 100 /m

Repairers : 0
Speed : %102


Rock Available : 24000 /24000
Collectors : 1
Speed : 200 /m

Repairers : 0
Speed : %102

Steel Available : 1000 /1000
Collectors : 1
Speed : 10 /m

Repairers : 0
Speed : %102

Price : 500,000 Rock
XP Points

Next Level
My Town : Level 11

Price : 50000 Log © 2024 Contact | Payouts | F.A.Q. | Advertise | Mobile App
version 1.77